People over Politics
Republican Candidate for the 117th Legislative District of Pennsylvania
Jamie Walsh is a true fiscal and social conservative who is committed to improving the standard of living and quality of life for the constituents in Luzerne County. Jamie believes that government needs restraint and should be less intrusive in our daily lives. He believes that capitalism is the backbone of our country, and he will stand with small businesses, school districts and non-profits in the community against any future lockdowns and closures, while ensuring our other constitutional freedoms are protected.
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“My priorities as your State Representative have been born from conversations I’ve had with
constituents throughout the 117 th district over the past 2 years. No longer can we elect hypocritical
leaders that place us in debt with irresponsible votes to satisfy agendas which do not reflect our most
important needs and priorities. When I get to Harrisburg, the following will be my top priorities"
Key Positions
Protect the First and Second Amendments.
No government has the right to suppress our freedoms granted in the First and Second
Amendments. Jamie has traveled throughout Luzerne County and attended school
board meetings and Luzerne County Council meetings for the last 3 years empowering
people to stand up for their First Amendment. Whether it was to stand up for their
children or to redress their local government over policies and programming in schools,
Jamie was on the front lines, side by side with the people. Jamie, a responsible gun
owner himself, believes that all responsible citizens have the right to bear arms. He
understands that the intent of our Second Amendment was to protect the people from
Advocate for Parental Rights and School Choice.
Advocate for school and property tax reforms.
Parents are the key ingredients to a healthy child. The government will never replace
families if Jamie is in Harrisburg. His non-stop focus on protecting children and
supporting parental rights in Luzerne County are the primary reasons Jamie decided to
run for State Representative. He also believes if a school is failing your child, you should
have the right to take him to another school district, a vocational school, charter school
or an online school in order to give that child the best chance possible for success. Jamie
was one of the founding members of Citizens Advisory of Pennsylvania, whose primary
focus is to advocate for the protection of children and parental rights. This organization
is already having statewide influence in Pennsylvania.
No government should be allowed to tax you out of your home. Pennsylvania’s school
property tax is old and needs reforming. Older Pennsylvanians are being crushed with
increases that their retirement plans were not designed to keep up with. School tax
hurts local economies and middle to low-income families. Jamie plans to work together
with other state legislators to fix school funding problems in Pennsylvania.
Ensure election integrity in our townships and boroughs.
Advocate for road and bridge repair/replacement.
Advocate for term limits for elected officials.
In November of 2022, over 40 precincts ran out of ballot paper in Luzerne County for
the election. Every precinct that ran out of paper was at least a 2-1 Republican dominant
precinct with the highest being a 9-1 Republican dominant precinct. When our elected officials, employees and volunteers in Luzerne County were called to testify in
Washington DC, not one of them would go to Washington DC and speak on behalf of the
people. Jamie went to Washington DC on behalf of the people and testified in front of
an election integrity sub-committee in February of 2023. He told the story of the
thousands of voters that were impacted by this paper shortage. Elections have been
subject to concerns since the passage of ACT 77 in 2019. Jamie believes the only way to
ensure elections are fair and free from potential meddling, is to repeal ACT 77, go back
to paper ballots and enforce voter identification for all registered voters.
If you don’t understand what taxation without representation is, look at our roads and
bridges that we drive on each day. As the father of a 16-year-old driver it concerns Jamie
that thousands of teenagers across the commonwealth have to learn to drive each day
on the roads and bridges in Pennsylvania. Jamie will work with other members of the
House in order to come up with a plan so our tax money is properly spent on our roads
and bridges.
Elected officials have turned their public servant positions into long-lasting careers. It
was never meant to be this way. Jamie plans to work with like-minded colleagues in
Harrisburg to finally get legislation introduced for term limits. Long overdue and
important so our elected officials remember who they work for and why they were
Advocate for Rain Tax elimination.
Support small business growth and safeguards.
Shrink the size and spending of government.
Rain tax elimination is an unfair fee which causes further tax burdens for
Pennsylvanians. Jamie believes the longer this type of tax exists, it opens the door for
other absurd taxes to be placed on the backs of the people. Jamie will work with other
House members and take this battle to Washington DC, which is where this tax
Jamie is a small business owner that employs 9 people in Luzerne County and he
believes these small businesses are the backbone of each community. Small businesses
support local communities from youth to high school athletics and activities, to local
fundraising for community projects and needs. Small businesses also employ the bulk of
the workforce in each community. Jamie wants to work on a small business revival in his
district to encourage people to shop locally versus the big box stores, Dollar Generals
and Amazon.
One of the biggest problems in Pennsylvania is our ever-expanding government.
Government was meant to help the people and not hinder us. The un-elected
bureaucratic agencies are bankrupting small businesses and making daily life more
difficult for the people. Jamie will never vote to expand federal or state government
control over the people of his district.